
Corporate social responsibilities

CSR: corporate social responsibility, it is literally “a concept in which companies integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their activities and into their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.” This is the contribution of a company with the challenges of sustainable development. Certainly, but for a construction company, what does this mean, and above all, how does it materialize? Those who have taken this step see it first as a tremendous economic opportunity, as well as a real asset of image, meaning and entrepreneurial vision.

CSR brings together values ​​such as: responsible management, well-being at work, responsible communication, social commitment, the environment, diversity at work (young employment, gender equality, employment of the disabled, etc. .), etc.

Our social commitment

IC Transport fulfills its social responsibility duties through various community implications and the hiring of local staff.

In addition to the importance of providing enviable working conditions for its employees, the company maintains good terms in the environments in which it operates.

For example, IC Transport helped build the Samatra Mosque and the Samatra Neighborhood Office, a commune where one of the laterite quarries operated by the company is located.

In 2011, the company graciously loaned dump trucks for a month to the First Lady’s PROSMI Foundation for its sanitation actions.